Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.

En revisión

The application UI is not working properly. I have used this product for years and now the simple activities like moving an entity and creating a relationship is not working.

John Wienecke hace 2 meses actualizado por Jarosław Błąd (CEO) hace 1 mes 1

When adding a second entity, I can not move it to a different location  on the design panel, all entities move together.  Secondly creating a relationship by dragging is not work, either nothing happens when dragging the relationship arrow or it creates a relationship to the same entity.  Very from frustrating.  I can not use this tool at this point. 


Add 75% Zoom

Terris Linenbach hace 5 meses actualizado hace 4 meses 2

The zoom drop-down levels are 25-50-100-200 and 400 .. I often want 75. I never want 400.

En revisión

Pattern for naming objects

Aleksandra Machewka hace 9 años actualizado por fed hace 4 meses 3
It would be a handy feature to allow user to define patterns for default object names, eg. primary keys. Currently, PK is formed using pattern "{objectName}_pk". Such pattern could be defined by user, having access to variables like {objectName}, {objectNameSingular} (for objects named in plural form). For FK, source and destination object names could be accessible, so user can form default FK name as "FK_{sourceObjectName}_{destinationObjectName}". I'm aware, that this can be done via explicitly naming PKs and FKs, but such feature would be useful when model is big and many relations exist.
En revisión

Confirmation E-mail

Alexandre Samouri hace 5 años actualizado por mr malygind hace 6 meses 3

Hi, I haven't received my confirmation e-mail.
I resent it many times but it doesn't seem to work.

is there any possibility u can help me ?
Thank you.

En revisión

[Postgres] Migration Script Error - SET DEFAULT now()

Fernando Santos hace 10 meses actualizado por Jarosław Błąd (CEO) hace 10 meses 1

Hi there!

I generated a migration SQL script for Postgres physical data Model, but it didn't work properly.

One of the changes was setting a default for a timestamp column, using now() function as the default value.

The ALTER TABLE command generated by the migration feature was:

-- Column: created_at.
ALTER TABLE rq_forms
ALTER created_at SET DEFAULT 'now()';

However, it creates the default with a fixed timestamp, the date and time of the ALTER TABLE execution.

The expected behavior was setting now() function as the default, not the fixed date and time.

This is the correct script the migration feature should generate: 

-- Column: created_at.
ALTER TABLE rq_forms
ALTER created_at SET DEFAULT now(); --> Without the single quotes.

Just to mention, the CREATE TABLE is working fine, setting the now() function properly when I generate the SQL Script for the same table in the model as seen below. Just ALTER TABLE generated by the migration has the bug.

-- Its OK!

CREATE TABLE rq_forms (
id serial NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
updated_at timestamp NULL,


One more request:

Vertabelo could have the type "timestamp with time zone" in the Type windows predefined options (in the Date and time section).

The "timestamp" option creates a "timestamp without time zone" column.

It would be nice to have the option to choose between with or without time zone in Vertabelo.

I hope I could help improving Vertabelo.


Fernando dos Santos.

En revisión

DDL Import | Import SQL failing on gen_random_uuid() and timezone('utc'::text, now())

Bryan Lam hace 12 meses actualizado por Jarosław Błąd (CEO) hace 12 meses 1

The import SQL parser seems to not like `gen_random_uuid()`(supported in Postgres 13) when that is set as the default. It is also failing to parse`timezone('utc'::text, now())`(supported in Postgres 13).

I've been resorting to deleting these from my sql file just so I can get the table to import.


CREATE TABLE public.skill (
    title character varying NOT NULL,
    description text,
    id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() NOT NULL,
    created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT timezone('utc'::text, now()) NOT NULL,
    updated_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT timezone('utc'::text, now()) NOT NULL,
    deleted_at timestamp without time zone

To get it to import I have to delete those:

CREATE TABLE public.skill (
    title character varying NOT NULL,
    description text,
    id uuid NOT NULL,
    created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    deleted_at timestamp without time zone

Would be nice to have the import accommodate these functions so I don't have to keep editing my sql files before import.

En revisión

New Oracle physical data model "from SQL" requires columns to be listed for the referenced table

Aner Perez hace 12 meses actualizado por Jarosław Błąd (CEO) hace 12 meses 1

When creating a new model from an existing SQL DDL script (i.e. Content: "from SQL" is selected), the import fails if the table has a foreign key constraint with no columns listed on the foreign table.  In that situation it should use the primary key for the referenced table as the referenced columns.  Instead I received a cryptic error of ERROR:No more content.

A sample DDL that demonstrates this behavior is:

  first_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL,
  last_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL,
  changed_by NUMBER(6) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
  CONSTRAINT person#person#FK
    FOREIGN KEY (changed_by)
    REFERENCES person

I would need to change the last line to say REFERENCES person (id) for this DDL to be accepted.  This DDL was from a very old Oracle database and I selected 11c/12g as the version.


Table Shorcut not Working for Physical Models

Robby Ciliberto hace 1 año actualizado hace 1 año 2

When trying to make a physical model, I cannot make use of table shortcuts. The option to create a shortcut does not appear when right clicking a table and dragging the table from the navigation pane does nothing either. This issue does not occur when making a logical model, however.

Using Google Chrome on Mac with no extensions enabled. My account is an educational account if that makes a difference.

Image 1328

En revisión

How to always DROP IF EXISTS when Generating Drop SQL for Postgres?

s rapport hace 1 año actualizado por Jarosław Błąd (CEO) hace 1 año 1

How can Vertabelo be configured for Postgres to always generate "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" and "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS" when generating a new DROP SQL? The goal is not for migration but regeneration during certain development cycles. There should be a global setting somewhere or in the dialog box. Right now it seems the only solution is to write a brute force shell script to search and replace all occurrences in the drop sql file.

En revisión

Automatic diagram layout

Grzegorz Kaczor hace 9 años actualizado por FRANCESCO TORTORA (ED) hace 1 año 5
It would be nice to be able to do some automatic diagram layout. For the whole diagram or for selected area.