Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.


Add 75% Zoom

Terris Linenbach 5 mánuður síðan Uppfært 4 mánuður síðan 2

The zoom drop-down levels are 25-50-100-200 and 400 .. I often want 75. I never want 400.

Under review

Pattern for naming objects

Aleksandra Machewka 9 ár síðan updated by fed 4 mánuður síðan 3
It would be a handy feature to allow user to define patterns for default object names, eg. primary keys. Currently, PK is formed using pattern "{objectName}_pk". Such pattern could be defined by user, having access to variables like {objectName}, {objectNameSingular} (for objects named in plural form). For FK, source and destination object names could be accessible, so user can form default FK name as "FK_{sourceObjectName}_{destinationObjectName}". I'm aware, that this can be done via explicitly naming PKs and FKs, but such feature would be useful when model is big and many relations exist.
Under review

How to always DROP IF EXISTS when Generating Drop SQL for Postgres?

s rapport 1 ár síðan updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 1 ár síðan 1

How can Vertabelo be configured for Postgres to always generate "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" and "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS" when generating a new DROP SQL? The goal is not for migration but regeneration during certain development cycles. There should be a global setting somewhere or in the dialog box. Right now it seems the only solution is to write a brute force shell script to search and replace all occurrences in the drop sql file.

Under review

Automatic diagram layout

Grzegorz Kaczor 9 ár síðan updated by FRANCESCO TORTORA (ED) 1 ár síðan 5
It would be nice to be able to do some automatic diagram layout. For the whole diagram or for selected area.
Under review

It would be very helpful if the folder and files structure can also be shareable. I can share documents but my teammates see them disorganised.

Mihai Rez 4 ár síðan updated by Cédric Malard 1 ár síðan 3

It would be very helpful if the folder and files structure can also be shareable. I can share documents but my teammates see them disorganized.

Under review

Generate Rails migrations

Richard Grossman 9 ár síðan updated by Ahrefs Group Buy 1 ár síðan 4
Vertabelo would be a must-have for Rails projects if Vertabelo generated Rails migrations.
Under review

Add support for AWS Redshift super data type

Paul Tipper 2 ár síðan updated by Adam Mościcki 2 ár síðan 1

Vertabelo does not appear to support the AWS Redshift SUPER data type (see The SUPER data type is not offered in the type dialog in the Table Properties pane, and if you try to import an SQL file with instances of the SUPER data type, it causes the import to fail.

Please add support for the AWS Redshift SUPER data type.

Under review

Add user defined data types or domains

Robert Clark 8 ár síðan updated by Laiba Shahid 2 ár síðan 10

When creating our databases with thousands of fields we use domains / user data types. This allows us to use a specific defined data type, like "ID Key" for all primary keys, to ensure they are all uniformly the same data type. Additionally it would allow us to change the data types of all the fields that would apply without having to go to each field manually and changing it. This is a must for us to purchase a database modeling product.

Under review

Add option to hide all types and only display field names

Matt Kuntz 9 ár síðan updated by Chris Waters 2 ár síðan 2
We had an issue recently where, while going over a model, people kept getting confused or stuck on types as we were working on it. It would be nice to be able to hide types while editing and on export.

Also, I saw another request for hiding FKs, which fits in nicely.
Jack Polkowski 9 ár síðan
Thanks, Matt, you for your proposal. It is now under consideration.
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Under review

API - Retrieve Drop SQL Script

Rishab Nayak 2 ár síðan updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 2 ár síðan 1

Is there any way for us to generate the Drop SQL Script using the API?