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We are able to replicate the problem you described. Could you provide more details? What web browser do you use? Are there any errors in JS console? Could you attached a short video?

Best regards,


You can export your models to XML files and then import them in the new account. You will find these option on Documents screen. 

Your domain has been added to our academic domain list.

Your domain was added to our academic domain list.

After deeper analysis we discovered that it is not a bug in our modeler but in your particular model. You have primary identifier with many the same attributes and therefor they are generated in a physical model. Please see the following screenshot:

Image 1462

Thank you for reporting this. I confirm that there is a bug in these functionality and we have started repairing it.


Thank you for reporting this. It is a bug and it will repaired as soon as possible. Correct links to these documents are as follow:



Best regards,


You can do this as long as the Vertabelo modeler outcome is used for educational purposes not commercial.

Hello, thank you for the information. Probably you hit system during the infrastructure rebalancing. So I close the ticket.

Best regards,


Kundesupport af UserEcho