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Vertabelo Client is distributed as a single binary file. After download please make it executable. Please open the "Terminal" and execute following command:

chmod +x ~/Downloads/vertabelo-client-1_0-darwin_amd64

Yes, this may be odd for Mac users. We've got a plan to distribute it as a typical Mac app.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for clarifiction. I'll look at it.


AFAIK reference is not an object in the database like: table, view, sequence, procedure and so on. It's just a table constraint. There is no need to specify schema.

I'm not sure if your understanding of "reference" it the same as mine. Database terms are ambigous :(


This is a bug. Thanks for the report. We'll fix it ASAP.

Workaround: Please find&replace double quotes '"' with backquote '`' by hand. If your're *nix user please

run command:

sed -i -e 's/"/`/g' create.sql


Vertabelo Client is a desktop utility. We will have a plan to provide the server edition.

You can't connect to http://myip:32510 since client binds to the localhost IP (for security reason). You may make an SSH tunel between your server and local machine:

ssh myip -L 32510:localhost:32510 -N

and you we'll be able to access the vertabelo client via http://localhost:32510

Hope it helps.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.