
Where I can find invoices?

Vlad Kucherov 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja anonymous 8 aastat tagasi 8


I want to export all the invoices for my payments.

Where I can find them?

Satisfaction mark by Vlad Kucherov 8 aastat tagasi

You should've got all your invoices on e-mail when they were issued. Maybe you can find them in your inbox?

There's no single publicly available place where you can find all your past invoices. If you wish, I can regenerate them and send you by email.

However, there's one issue with this approach - recently we changed a company name and it turns out that our payment provider doesn't store old invoices. This means that instead of "e-point SA" (the old company) they will be issued by "Vertabelo Sp. z o.o." (the new company) which basically isn't true. We've already contacted our payment provider support and still waiting for their response.


Thanks for the detailed response.

Well I don't have the emails. Can you contact your provider to see if he might give you the invoices of the old company?

I need to send my Accounting guys the invoices for end of the year report.

Yes, we already contacted them and waiting for response. I'll keep you updated.

Tomorrow we'll have a maintenance break and we'll regerenerate all the old invoices. I'll let you know when we have them ready to send you.


I've just sent you all your invoices by email.

Hi there Michal, I need an invoice too please!!

I've just sent you an invoice.