
I am unable to log in to vertabelo today using my google login

Mark Thomson vor 6 Jahren aktualisiert von anonymous vor 6 Jahren 3

Hi Team,

Can you advise on why i'm unable to log in to Vertabelo today using my google account?

Zufriedenheit von Mark Thomson vor 6 Jahren
Wird überprüft

Hi Mark,

We are facing some problems with google authentication. It affects more users. We are investigating this issue now. I'll inform you when this type of authentication will be operational again.

Thanks Jaroslaw. Can you please advise me of an alternative way for me to log in and continue my course ?


We fixed our today's infrastructure problems and our services should be fully operational. You should be able to log in using google authentication. 

There is also possible to log in via other auth mechnism (twitter, fb, github and Vertabelo Academy itself) and access to the same Academy account. To do this you should choose the same email address as you used with google auth, but it is important that you have to confirm that this is the same account by log in by original method first.