Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.


Identity on non-valid column doesn't generate error

Marc Belley 10 year бұрын updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 10 year бұрын 3
Aafter changing a primary key with an identity from an int to a varchar, I noticed there's no check to see if an identity is valid. This should probably popup as an Error.

Image 51

Invalid SQL generated for comments in a schema

Corey Butler 10 year бұрын updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 10 year бұрын 5
Comment generation partially works, but it fails to account for a schema in PostgreSQL code generation.

I've added comments to my tables and columns. The table has a schema specified. However the generated script does not reference the schema. For example:

This is the code that's generated:

COMMENT ON TABLE "employee" IS 'Represents an employee.';

This is the code that SHOULD be generated:

COMMENT ON TABLE "schema"."employee" IS 'Represents an employee.';


You need to be WAY more obvious when it's time to pay...

Mike Marcacci 10 year бұрын updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 10 year бұрын 3
Finally got the "Model cannot be saved because you've reached table limit (20 tables)." message. I have no problem paying, and would have been more than happy to. Except, I didn't see the little blue message until I had painstakingly crafted around 40 tables. Then, clicking the "Change account plan" button destroys every change I made since I hit the 20 table mark... ouch.

We paid after figuring that out and are still using (and for the most part really liking) vertabelo. That one issue just really stung. You might consider a big modal that stops users in their tracks until they click "I'm OK losing my changes" or something.

Go to dashboard when logging in.

Kindler Chase 10 year бұрын updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 10 year бұрын 3
When logging in, I am always taken to the last model I've worked on. I think a better experience would be to land on dashboard and allow us to select which model to work with in the current session. Maybe even a radio button option on the dashboard:

Login: - Return to last model or - Return to dashboard

HOW to import images?

Jon Alex 10 year бұрын updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 10 year бұрын 2
Hello is it possible to import images?

Please advise.

Where are the ORM tools?

Alexey Pikulik 10 year бұрын updated by anonymous 10 year бұрын 4
You've mentioned ORM Tools in Show features list at
I drastically interested in PHP>Propel feature but can't find it in my free account interface.

Under review

Generate specific Schema

Raymond Roelands 10 year бұрын updated by Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) 10 year бұрын 1
When generating SQL it would be nice to be able to select a specific schema only. So only table in that schema will be generated including references from tables in that schema to another schemas

Error al crear cuenta

Jose Guevara Ylatoma 10 year бұрын updated by Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) 10 year бұрын 1
Cuando estoy creando mi cuenta me sale el siguiente mensaje, cuando boy ingresa, sale que no existe la cuenta.

We already have account with this email. If you created account before and you don't remember
your password please use password reminder.

How do I change the e-mail address for my account?

Charles Hammer 10 year бұрын updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 10 year бұрын 2
I want to change my login email address to a different e-mail. How do I do this?

what programs can be used to open my database once created?

Patricia Vernon 10 year бұрын updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 10 year бұрын 1