Under review

Same table name with different schema name is not allowed

Ali Tabrizi 9 years ago updated by David Henley 7 years ago 2

We are having trouble with creating these two tables in the same model :



Under review

This is a bug and is not at the same time. Please let me explain.

You can set a schema name for a table in "Additional properties" section (available on the right-hand side after selecting a table). Now, when you create two tables "users" and set "Schema" properties as "schema1" and "schema2", then:

1) an error would be raised "Table name is not unique" - that's not true and this is a bug

2) if you generate SQL script, it will be valid:

-- tables
-- Table: users
CREATE TABLE schema1.users (
    id int  NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT users_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)

-- Table: users
CREATE TABLE schema2.users (
    id int  NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT users_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)

So only raising an error is our bug. You can still create tables and other objects in different schemas.

If you want, you can disable the validation of tables' names.

How is this not addressed after 2 years?!?!