
View Table/Column Comments and Default Value in Model

jwilson 7 years ago updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 4 years ago 3

Not to suggest copying something I saw in another data modeler, DbSchema (http://www.dbschema.com/index.html) has the ability to view the default values and comments of each column within the data model by mousing over the column causing a pop-up to display with the information. If not wanting/able to emulate this functionality, would there be a way to allow users to "set" the data model to display this information? Thanks!



We decided to not introduce such a feature. In our opinion showing such info on a diagram during the database design process would be too distracting for the most users.

Under review

Thank you for sharing this idea.

Right now it's not possible to show such information on a diagram.


Yes pls!! I was looking for that option


We decided to not introduce such a feature. In our opinion showing such info on a diagram during the database design process would be too distracting for the most users.