
Can not see model

Hans Rattink 10 year бұрын updated by anonymous 10 year бұрын 3
A user from my organisation has created a model (after accepting my invitation on vertabello) but i can't see it. When i click on the user (Koen), i can see he created it but then i still can't open it. How can i see the model?


The model must be shared with you by its owner (the user who created the model). This way the owner has control over who is an editor or just a viewer of the model.

I've looked at your case and it looks like you've already figured it out yourself. If you have any other questions or ideas, feel free to contact us.
Satisfaction mark by Hans Rattink 10 year бұрын
The model must be shared with you by its owner (the user who created the model). This way the owner has control over who is an editor or just a viewer of the model.

I've looked at your case and it looks like you've already figured it out yourself. If you have any other questions or ideas, feel free to contact us.
Hi Michal,
Thanks for your reply. Correct, we've solved the issue and the model has been shared with me. But i find this rather unsatisfactory: as owner of the account, i don't want other users being able to choose whether to share a model with me or not. Or perhals even retrieve rights to me. Why is the owner of the account not a global admin?
Kind regards,
Hans Rattink
This was an architectural decision, but I think we must take a closer look at roles at a company account and their permissions. We'll discuss this issue within our team. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.