
You need to be WAY more obvious when it's time to pay...

Mike Marcacci vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Jarosław Błąd (CEO) vor 9 Jahren 3
Finally got the "Model cannot be saved because you've reached table limit (20 tables)." message. I have no problem paying, and would have been more than happy to. Except, I didn't see the little blue message until I had painstakingly crafted around 40 tables. Then, clicking the "Change account plan" button destroys every change I made since I hit the 20 table mark... ouch.

We paid after figuring that out and are still using (and for the most part really liking) vertabelo. That one issue just really stung. You might consider a big modal that stops users in their tracks until they click "I'm OK losing my changes" or something.
Zufriedenheit von Mike Marcacci vor 9 Jahren
Wird überprüft
Thank you for your feedback. We're aware that paying for Vertabelo is not as straightforward as it should be. We're now working on improving this issue.

However, I don't see any payments for either your account, or your collegues' accounts (which just proves your point). Are you sure you paid for Vertabelo? Can you tell me which screens you went through? (I can move the thread to a private forum if you don't want to continue the discussion in public.)
It is done and on production. Now we don't allow to add more tables than current account limit. Additionally we've added table "progress bar".