Getting error trying to use reverse engineering tool
I am using this command line on Windows 8:
java -cp .;reverse-engineering-1_6_9; com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe -user dv -password xx -o dv_demo
But get the error: Could not find or load main class com.vertabelo.reverse.MainI am running in my \vertabelo directory. I downloaded the .jar file to that folder.
I am very bad at command line so have no idea how to fix this.
java -cp .;reverse-engineering-1_6_9; com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe -user dv -password xx -o dv_demo
But get the error: Could not find or load main class com.vertabelo.reverse.Main
I am very bad at command line so have no idea how to fix this.
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You should also add the JDBC driver for Oracle to the classpath. You can download the driver from this site:
So it should be
java -cp .;reverse-engineering-1_6_9.jar;path_to_jdbc_driver.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe -user dv -password xx -o dv_demo
java -cp .;reverse-engineering-1_6_9.jar; C:\Oracle\datamodeler4.1P\datamodeler\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe -user dv -password xx -o dv_demo
Error: Could not find or load main class
So I copied ojdbc6.jar to my Verabelo directory
java -cp .;reverse-engineering-1_6_9.jar; ojdbc6.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe -user dv -password dv -o dv_demo
Same error: Could not find or load main class
Is there anyway to import DDL create scripts to Vertabelo, rather than from the database?
.;reverse-engineering-1_6_9.jar; ojdbc6.jar
Please give it one more try without spaces, just like this:
Yes,you can do this when creating new model as well as for existing model.
If you want to create new model, you can click on "From SQL" tab and upload the file with your DDL:
For existing model, just click on "import from SQL" on the right-hand side of "Model details" page:
I hope this helps.
Thanks also for the tip on importing for SQL. I will give that a try!
Could you please paste here (or attach screenshot) the whole stacktrace?
I am experiencing the same problem as Kent above. Kindly assist.
java -cp .;reverse-engineering-1_6_12.jar;C:\Users\Nadia\Desktop\vertabelo\ojdbc6.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=DWH_Fruitways_Farms -o ImportXML
What output do you see after running this command? Please copy&paste it here or attach a screenshot.
Hi! Im with the same problem than Kent but I have it on a Mac.
Command: java -cp .:reverse-engineering.jar:mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:mysql://mirrordb.konfio.mx:3306/mysql -user user -password pass -o wp.xml
The output of command is:
Error: no se ha podido inicializar la clase principal com.vertabelo.reverse.Main
Causado por: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/JAXBException
Any clue?
Please use following command:
java --add-modules java.xml.bind -cp .:reverse-engineering.jar:mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:mysql://mirrordb.konfio.mx:3306/mysql -user user -password pass -o wp.xml
java -cp .;reverse-engineering-1_6_12.jar;sqljdbc4.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:sqlserver://SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME:1433;DatabaseName=AVNT -o wp
Error: Could not find or load main class com.vertabelo.reverse.Main
I keep getting this error, any ideas on how to solve it? I read some of the answers but I need a more info