
Disable scroll to zoom

Nima Jalali 11 years ago updated by Jack Sadanowicz 2 years ago 13
I use a magic mouse and constantly zoom in and out.

Any way to disable scroll to zoom? 




The option is available on Modeler setting section. Please chek the screenshot below:

Image 1289

Best regards,


Under review
There is no way to disable the zoom now but we'll soon add it. Thanks for the suggestion. I have awarded you 3 bonus points for this request. You can read more about our bonus points program here: http://www.vertabelo.com/bonus-points
Now you can disable/enable scroll to zoom. Just go to the section Preferences in "My account" module. 
Awesome! I was just going to request this feature. Just downloaded Vertabelo yesterday and started playing. I will most certainly be getting a paid plan. Very slick! I just found ActiveForms too. I'll be taking a look at that tomorrow.
Essential I'd say. Wish I could turn it off in Google Maps, it's a nightmare.

Anyway, could we also have an option to allow scrolling instead - that's what mouse scrolling should be used for.
Thanks - my magic mouse was killing me!

THANK GOODNESS. The two-finger scrolling on my Mac trackpad was insanely sensitive and making the app nearly unusable. That was the only thing standing between me and a paid plan. Thanks for implementing this!

did this setting get moved? the app is unusable on a mac with a scroll pad, but i cannot locate this setting


We will restore it in the next release.

In the meanwhile you can try setting it here: https://my.vertabelo.com/legacy-my-account

Best regards,




The option is available on Modeler setting section. Please chek the screenshot below:

Image 1289

Best regards,


nice, thanks! while in that legacy view, i also saw "Autogenerate FK" which is another feature i needed to disaable causing me usability issues! nice. thanks.