
"free viewer" sharing is not clear - is it applicable also for 5 -seated user team?

Petr Kominek P3 fa 6 mesos updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) fa 6 mesos 1


from product description and pricing description it is not clear at all what I am getting in case I will buy 5-user licence for my team. Are those 5 users who can edit? or there is also some corresponding number of viewers who dont consume license? is there a way how to share the model to non vertabelo users as well? thx

Satisfaction mark by Petr Kominek P3 fa 6 mesos

Hello Petr, 

Regarding your questions:

- In Team account plans (5, 10, 25 users) all users consume license seats, no matter if they edit or only read models. 

- Unlimited read only users are available only in Enterprise Account Plan that requires at least 25 users that edit database models. 

- You can share database models only with other Vertabelo Users. 

Best regards,
