Not a bug

Password reset email link is localhost

Tim Fatout 9 years ago updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 9 years ago 2

If a password reset is sent by clicking password reset button on account maintenance screen the url that is sent in the Email points to localhost:

Image 266

Image 265

Image 267

Note this is an in-house installation

Not a bug


This a default value. You may change it by re-running setup script.

Please stop the application


Launch setup script:


Change "Application URL" parameter to http://dw01.dmattress.local:8010

Press ENTER on other parameters it'll keep them unchanged.

Now you can start Vertabelo


Please notice that setup script:

- will change a password for the admin account

- will not change your models and users

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.