How to install Vertabelo Client on Ubuntu server 14.04 ?
I read this article https://my.vertabelo.com/db-connection to install Vertabelo Client. I download the Linux File but it hasn't a type format for this file like .deb or others. I tried to use dpkg command but it doesn't work.

Ok it runs.
But I have an ubuntu server on a vps server at ovh.com and to configure the client I must connect to http://myip:32510 I can't connect to localhost.
I do a "sudo ufw allow 32510" on the server and go to http://myip:32510 but it doesn't work I have an error "can't connect"

Vertabelo Client is a desktop utility. We will have a plan to provide the server edition.
You can't connect to http://myip:32510 since client binds to the localhost IP (for security reason). You may make an SSH tunel between your server and local machine:
ssh myip -L 32510:localhost:32510 -N
and you we'll be able to access the vertabelo client via http://localhost:32510
Hope it helps.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho
It's a binary file. You need to chmod +x and just run it.