hi if anyone set a filed name date-time for example i set EnterDate-Time the vertabelo accept this and when i export sql and import on query the sql occured error i think it is better that Vertebelo Prevent to register a field that contain - ex moDate_Ti

Mohammad Karimi hace 10 años actualizado por Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) hace 10 años 3
hi if anyone set a filed name date-time for example i set EnterDate-Time the vertabelo accept this and when i export sql and import on query the sql occured error
"Incorrect syntax near '-'."
i think it is better that Vertebelo Prevent to register a field that contain - 
for example mo-date 
cant be save on vertebelo 
En revisión
Good idea. We will add validation for all object names. Stay tuned.

We've added that validation.  Please check it and let's us know what you think about it.