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Hi Mark,

We are facing some problems with google authentication. It affects more users. We are investigating this issue now. I'll inform you when this type of authentication will be operational again.

There is no such type of reference in Vertabelo. Please notice that Vertabelo works on physical database model. ISA reference is usually related to conceptual database modeling.

To model inheritance in your database you can use plain references with techniques described here:



Thank you for asking this. Currently Redshift support isn't on our roadmap.

However Redshift is based on Postgres so you should be able to work without direct Redshift support. We covered this topic here:


I remain the idea opened so other users can upvote it.

Yes. We described the Vertabelo XML format in one of our blog article - Vertabelo XML version 2.1

At the begging of this article you also find link to the Vertabelo XSD.
We don't hear any feedback so I close the issue.
We have just enhanced our knownledge base section.
You are right. Both parameters have to be set or neither. We will add validation check. Thanks for pointing this.