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I get this as well on Microsoft SQL Server 2012. I get this error no matter what, even though this is the entire text of the imported SQL file:

CREATE TABLE AlwaysOn.AuditAvailabilityGroupFailover (	ID bigint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,	GroupID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,	GroupName nvarchar(128) NOT NULL,	NewPrimaryReplicaName nvarchar(128) NOT NULL,	NewPrimaryReplicaID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,	ObservedOnEventSourceConnectionID smallint NOT NULL,	EventDateTimeUtc datetime NOT NULL,	RetrievalDateTimeUtc datetime NULL,	RetrievalIdentifier uniqueidentifier NULL,	ProcessingCompletionDateTimeUtc datetime NULL,
Status tinyint NOT NULL);

Also, when I ignore the warning, I get zero tables in the dashboard. So it's clearly not importing anything. At this point, I'm unable to make much headway with this product for use in a SQL Server environment. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

-Kevin (@kekline on twitter)