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Please create an attribute by using the "Add new reference" button on the toolbar, then simply drag & drop. It will create an attribute with FK. You can change the attribute's name, type, etc. afterward.


Mariusz Zakrzewski

Redshift support is now available on Vertabelo platform.

Probably your shell interprets semicolon as a new instruction.

I was able to reproduce similar behavior.

$ java -cp .:reverse-engineering.jar:mssql-jdbc-7.2.1.jre8.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=database-one -user user1 -password 'xxxxxxxxxx' -o out_reverse
Exception in thread "main" com.vertabelo.reverse.asj: Error: missing output file. Specify -o option.
    at com.vertabelo.reverse.Main.main(:5516)
No command '-user' found, did you mean:
 Command 'fuser' from package 'psmisc' (main)
 Command 'kuser' from package 'kuser' (universe)
-user: command not found

But with

$ java -cp .:reverse-engineering.jar:mssql-jdbc-7.2.1.jre8.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url 'jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=database1' -user user1 -password 'xxxxxxxxxxx' -o out_reverse
No JDBC driver given. Using JDBC driver: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
Reverse engineering MS SQL Server database
Connecting to the database...
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 14.00.3048
Extracting table information

Extracting view information

Extracting reference information
Extracting sequence information
Preparing xml...
Preparing xml done.
Drawing the graph

   0  table(s)
   0  view(s)
   0  reference(s)

Please, try again with quotation marks.


Can you verify that the user you are using has permissions to your database ("mydatabase-name")? 

Perhaps, it has only permissions to your default database.

Parsing works properly, so hyphen in the database name should not cause problems.


Mariusz Zakrzewski


We had this functionality, but it was not used often, so we have withdrawn


Mariusz Zakrzewski


'FK' is created automatically when creating or modifying reference. Adding FK as a property wouldn't make much sense without its corresponding reference.

I hope it helps. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.


Mariusz Zakrzewski


I am sorry, but it is not possible.

As a workaround, I can suggest cutting the image after generation.


Mariusz Zakrzewski


We have 2 products: Vertabelo and Vertabelo Academy.

Please make sure you are logging in here: https://academy.vertabelo.com/#login


Simply input the desired data type in form - e.g. 'integer[]'. Yes, you can create an index on them - the same as on any other column. 

Resulting DDL is:

CREATE TABLE sample_table (
   id int  NOT NULL,
   sample_column integer[]  NOT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT sample_table_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX sample_table_idx_1 on sample_table (sample_column ASC);

Sorry for delayed response.

It is currently not supported. I can suggest you dropping an index and creating it manually, e.g. in 'Additional SQL scripts -> After creating table' section.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Mariusz Zakrzewski


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