Teie kommentaarid

CREATE TABLE cntct_addr_history
 addr_id BIGINT IDENTITY(1000, 1) NOT NULL,
 mdm_cntct_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
 addr_typ_txt VARCHAR(200),
 addr_class_txt VARCHAR(200),
 addr_ln1_txt VARCHAR(240),
 addr_ln2_txt VARCHAR(240),
 addr_ln3_txt VARCHAR(240),
 addr_twn_city_txt VARCHAR(240),
 addr_po_box_txt VARCHAR(150),
 addr_pstcd_zip_cd VARCHAR(150),
 addr_st_txt VARCHAR(50),
 addr_cntry_txt VARCHAR(50),
 tm_zn_txt VARCHAR(200),
 addr_not_vld_ind CHAR(1),
 insrt_ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT ('now'::character varying)::timestamp without time zone,
 insrt_by VARCHAR(20),
 updt_ts TIMESTAMP,
 updt_by VARCHAR(20),
 addr_cnty_txt VARCHAR(50),
 mdm_addr_key VARCHAR(100),
 stg_addr_id INTEGER,
 src_crt_dt_tm TIMESTAMP,
 src_last_mod_dt_tm TIMESTAMP,
 addr_cat_cd VARCHAR(200)

The above is the sample sql from the import.SQL file and it has just created the table cntct_addr_history with only one column { addr_id BIGINT } within vertabelo's data model

I have been trying to connect to redshift using the rever engineering application (windows). the command is below

java -cp .;reverse-engineering-1_6_12.jar;postgresql-8.0-325.jdbc2.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:postgresql://ge-dr-prd.cdm77nms3a9p.eu-west-1.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439/prod -user shradha_samantray -password VqpWK4hwaZ -o VinstallOpt

The aplication starts with some warnings and then end by displaying an error. Can someone help to resolve this?

C:\Users\samantrays\Downloads>java -cp .;reverse-engineering-1_6_12.jar;postgresql-8.0-325.jdbc2.jar com.vertabelo.reverse.Main -url jdbc:postgresql://ge-dr-prd.cdm77nms3a9p.eu-west-1.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439/prod -user shradha_samantray -password VqpWK4hwaZ -o VinstallOpt
No JDBC driver given. Using JDBC driver: org.postgresql.Driver
Reverse engineering PostgreSQL database
Connecting to the database...
Database: PostgreSQL 8.0.2
Extracting table information
Extracting view information

Warning: SQL definition for view 'datarepo.cntct_addr' not found.
Probably the user you're running the application as (shradha_samantray) has no permission to read the view definition.

Try running the application as a different user.

Warning: SQL definition for view 'staging.seq_1_to_1000' not found.
Probably the user you're running the application as (shradha_samantray) has no permission to read the view definition.
Try running the application as a different user.
Extracting reference information

Extracting sequence information
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method org/postgresql/jdbc2/Jdbc2DatabaseMetaData.getDatabaseMajorVersion()I is abstract
        at org.postgresql.jdbc2.Jdbc2DatabaseMetaData.getDatabaseMajorVersion(Jdbc2DatabaseMetaData.java)
        at com.vertabelo.reverse.oa.a(:290)
        at com.vertabelo.reverse.nt.b(:193)
        at com.vertabelo.reverse.Main.main(:491)