Ihre Kommentare


There was an unexpected hosting issue. This is fixed now.

Sorry for any  inconvenience caused.


Vertabelo marks non mandatory references using a circle on the PK side of the reference line.

Here is a an example:


We already use dashed line for "shortcuts" representation. Here are more information about managing large diagrams using subject areas and shortcuts: https://www.vertabelo.com/documentation/database-model-elements/areas


We had "bulk changes" functionality on our list with ideas, but we'll not implement it in a near future. 

You may download your model as an XML file and edit it by hand. If you're familiar with command line tools please check 

xmlstarlet (http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/doc/xmlstarlet.txt).


Could you tell us more about this idea?


We're working on it.

@Dean clearing cookies was one time action. Today we've changed configuration to ignore erratic cookies set by the previous application server.

Sorry for any inconvenience this caused.


It should be OK now. We changed configuration an hour ago. Please check if it sill failing.


@Dean did you cleared all cookies? See instruction https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en-GB) . Clearing cookies on the Application panel will not work. Application panel shows only cookies matching "/" path only. That invalid cookie has non "/" path set. We're still looking for the root cause.