Dine kommentarer


We decided that, we do not provide an academic account for non academic domains (like google.com).

Academic email is required

Best regards,
Adam Mościcki


You can generate two kinds of script in Vertabelo:

  1. Create
  2. Drop

The create script will not work when your tables already exist. It is probably the reason why you don't see the changes in your schema.

You need to apply the drop script first and then create script again. Warning: When you apply the drop script, all data will be lost.

Another solution is to use our migration tool. Migration scripts are usefull when you need to preserve data. More info is here: https://www.vertabelo.com/documentation/managing-models/migration-scripts

Hope this helps,
Adam Mościcki


Unfortunately, there is no way to copy table definition from excel.

PS: If you have tables with same column names Copy & Paste feature may be helpfulhttps://support.vertabelo.com/communities/1/topics/173-copy-and-paste-columns

Best regards,

Adam Mościcki


It is a flaw in our inviting process. We will fix it in the next release. 

I will answer you in the prive ticket you created and close this one.

Best regards,

Adam Mościcki

Are shortcut tables disabled on Academic accounts

Shortcuts should work like in the normal account (as well as drag-and-drop)

Do you have any browser extensions enabled?


Is your problem is in someway related to our tool: my.vertabelo.com?

I am sorry, but we do not provide consulting services.

Best regards,

Adam Mościcki

PS: You need to add tabKey to the INSERT statment.


Please select the reference (the line between 2 tables) and then push "Delete" button on the keyboard.

Please note that this operation will also remove a column from the foreign key table.

Best regards,

Adam Mościcki

Above error is the result of browser extension. In this case it was: MindMup 2.0 - Free Mind Map web site 


Unfortunately, I don't how salesforce work. If salesforce uses database we support* you can use our reverse enginner tool to retrive the schema.


*Database engines we support:

  1. PostgreSQL 
  2. MySQL 
  3. Oracle 
  4. IBM DB2 
  6. MS SQL Serve

Hope this helps,

Adam Mościcki

Yes, it is deployed. I have created a separated topic in order to take care of you. 

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