Your comments

i`m aware of that , maybe i explained not correctly , here is an example of what i mean :

this is a table script with a specified schema :

-- tables -- Table: town CREATE TABLE ( id int NOT NULL, city_id int NOT NULL, name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_town PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ndx_town_name on (city_id ASC,name ASC) ; -- End of file.

The revelation to this table :

-- foreign keys -- Reference: parkeon_terminal_town (table: parkeon_terminal) ALTER TABLE parkeon_terminal ADD CONSTRAINT parkeon_terminal_town FOREIGN KEY (town_id) REFERENCES town (id); -- End of file.

as you can see when your software is generating the table which has schema , it is not generating right relation to it , because the in the database "town" table does not exits it`s "" , therefore you should add the schema when you are generating the relation as well in the script in reference part .