Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.



Alastair Easton fa 9 anys updated by Ahrefs Group Buy fa 2 anys 7

Can you add the DDL extensions for redshift

Under review

Delete account

Janusz Tracz fa 2 anys updated by Adam Mościcki fa 2 anys 1


how I can delete my account? 

Can any administrator do that?


mixed up "inside" and "outside" terms

ev-i fa 2 anys 0

In the end of part 4 (Simplify with Shortcut Tables) on page mixed up "inside" and "outside" terms

Image 1280


Users with view only permissions should have the ability to select area

Ruby Maa fa 2 anys updated by Adam Mościcki fa 2 anys 1

Users with view only permissions should have the ability to select area and therefore export image of that select area. 


how to add attribute in in entity

Nyasha Dzere fa 2 anys updated by Adam Mościcki fa 2 anys 1

ERD (without attributes)

Rishi uttam fa 2 anys actualitzat fa 2 anys 2

I have been tasked to create 

  • ERD
  • Logical ERD

For the ERD, it s my understanding that it doesn't need to have attributes, just table names and relationships, with dotted cardinality. 
- Is it possible to create square boxes with entity names without any attributes?

- Is it possible to show the cardinality with dotted lines?

- My guess is that Vertabelo shows "FULL ERD" with all attributes, but is it possible to show a simplified version showing only the entity tables -- I am not sure what type of UML this is called.

Thank you


undo import

Rob Hill fa 2 anys updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) fa 2 anys 3

Is there a way to undo an import?


does vertabelo supports JSON, JSONB datatypes in postgresql

Shabarish Kesa fa 2 anys updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) fa 2 anys 2

Currenlty when i enter json or jsonb in the column data type, it throws unsupported data type error.

Does vertabelo supports json or jsonb data types?


Dropdowns Don't adjust with browser window height

Philipp Albrecht fa 2 anys updated by Adam Mościcki fa 2 anys 2

When trying to select an item from the dropdowns I noticed that the dropdown hides some of the options because it gets cut off by the browser height if there are a lot of options to choose from

Image 1253