Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.

Under review

ERROR: Error while parsing data type parameter: VARCHAR[null]ERROR: Error while parsing data type parameter: VARCHAR[null]ERROR: Error while parsing data type parameter: VARCHAR[null]ERROR: Error while parsing data type parameter: VARCHAR[null]

정 창훈 3 years ago updated by Jay1111111 3 years ago 2

Image 1108

ERROR: Error while parsing data type parameter: VARCHAR[null]ERROR: Error while parsing data type parameter: VARCHAR[null]ERROR: Error while parsing data type parameter: VARCHAR[null]ERROR: Error while parsing data type parameter: VARCHAR[null]


Link models

mark leavesley 9 years ago updated by Philip Snyman 3 years ago 4
If I had a very large model and I wanted to separate areas into different models to avoid distraction and aid on screen clarity, it would be good to link tables between them. I'm starting to have problems with lines crossing other lines and having to spend more time re-arranging than actually designing. If I could separate functional areas out without actually disconnecting them, it would be awesome.

Or...tag tables and colour by tag, hide by tag, something like that.
Under review

API - Retrieve Drop SQL Script

Rishab Nayak 3 years ago updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 3 years ago 1

Is there any way for us to generate the Drop SQL Script using the API?


Does Vertabelo support purchase order/invoicing for yearly team subscription so payment can be handled via AP instead of credit card?

Matt Leisse 3 years ago updated by Łukasz Kubicki 3 years ago 1

I found a similar post from 7 years ago that says its not supported. I'm hoping things have changed more recently. 

Łukasz Kubicki 3 years ago

Hello Matt,

I'm happy to say that we support PO/invoicing for annual team plans. Please create a private ticket when you're ready, and we'll assist you to go through the process.

Kind regards,



The SQL script generated do not contain the table and column description.

Wavelet Account 10 years ago updated by David Kinmond 3 years ago 9
I have keyed in description for all tables and columns. When I generate the SQL script, the script does not contain description or comment. This is quite troublesome when I create the table in postgresql, I need to rekey-in all the description again.

XML export version 2.4 not supported by :-(

Andrea De Carolis 3 years ago updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 3 years ago 3

(AutoWan-mode) C:\Users\00301401\auto\vertabelo-flask-master>python -i AutoManager_2021-12-01_10_53.xml

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\00301401\auto\vertabelo-flask-master\", line 756, in


File "C:\Users\00301401\auto\vertabelo-flask-master\", line 753, in main


File "C:\Users\00301401\auto\vertabelo-flask-master\", line 723, in generate


File "C:\Users\00301401\auto\vertabelo-flask-master\", line 701, in process

raise Exception("Not supported Vertabelo XML format version %s" % (version))

Exception: Not supported Vertabelo XML format version 2.4


How do you change the order of columns in the physical model ?

Claire Frankel 5 years ago updated by Lilly Liu 3 years ago 2

How do you change the order of columns in the physical model ?

Adam Mościcki 5 years ago

Hello Claire,

1. Click on the dotted field placed before column name:

2. Then drag it:

3. And drop where you need the column:

Best regards,


DDL Import Issue: unused tokens were found parsing columns and constraints for table

David Morrison 3 years ago updated by Grzegorz Małyska 3 years ago 7

First time loading DDL script to tool today - mostly it went well but there was one issue that might be a bug...

Error Message

The following unused tokens were found parsing columns and constraints for table: SCHEMA.TABLE.[ []


This happened on 2 tables where
1. SQL key words were used as field names*, and

2. there were column names with spaces in them, and
3. all column names were enclosed in square brackets.

I loaded a dozen other tables as part of the same script absolutely fine!


All I did to fix it was change spaces to underscores in the column names with spaces - I didn't have to do anything for 1. or 3. 

The DDL itself is valid as it came out of the DB. 


Model properties vanishing

Adithya Nairy 3 years ago updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 3 years ago 2

Whenever i try to change the default data type from integer to varchar the model properties disappear


Better model migration for renaming

anonymous 3 years ago updated by anonymous 3 years ago 1

In my project I had a table, let's call it table_1. I decided to rename it to table_2. Then I generated a model migration using Vertabelo and the resulting code dropped the table_1, and then created a new table_2. Fortunately, the table is currently empty, so that's not an issue. However, the next time I'm using the feature, I'd like Vertabelo to notice that I renamed the table, not deleted it.