Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.

Wird überprüft

How do I change notations?

Michael Winkler vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Rob Doyle vor 10 Jahren 3
Are any other notations than crow's foot supported? If so how do I switch to the other notations?

And also it seems like there is no n:m ?
Not a bug

Subject area names is sticking out of the region

Cristian Vasile vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von anonymous vor 10 Jahren 1
Hello, I'm having troubles with the subject areas. If I use a longer name, it sticks out of the area's rectangle.Image 52
anonymous vor 10 Jahren
You can move these labels. Just click and hold mouse button, move the label and release the mouse button.

Executing sql quires

hussain reddy vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) vor 10 Jahren 2

some bugs - keyboard shortcuts

koch vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) vor 10 Jahren 2
In keyboard shortcuts screen, there are some bugs.

"Ctrl + Alt + P : Toggle navigation, Ctrl + Alt + N : Toggle properties" may be exchanged.

Ctrl + Alt + N : Toggle navigation
Ctrl + Alt + P : Toggle properties

I think that the above is right and it works with the given explaination.

How to connect my project to vertabelo database?

Huyền Huỳnh vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Jan Grzegorek vor 10 Jahren 2
Please help me!

Canvas is not redrawing on bottom and side right

Hans Rattink vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von anonymous vor 10 Jahren 5
When panning or zooming, the bottom of the canvas gets all messy, about the height of the little pan-box. This one also can't be minimized, allthough the arrow is still there. This is happening since this noon. Restarting the browser doesn't help

Define a computed column

Kindler Chase vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von anonymous vor 10 Jahren 1
Is there a way to create a computed column, specifically for SQL Server? ex:

create table Entries
    Id int identity (1,1) not null,
    Process varchar(50) not null,
    ProcessDate datetime not null,
    Date as convert(date, ProcessDate),
    Time as convert(time, ProcessDate)

The last 2 columns are computed and I'd like to be able to define them with Vertabelo. Is that possible? If not, I'd like to suggest it as a feature.
anonymous vor 10 Jahren
Well, you can define do this, but not straight. In "Table properties" you have a section called "Additional SQL scripts." You can add "After create table" statement like this:

ADD Date AS convert(date, ProcessDate);

This way you'll have both visual representation on the diagram and the proper behavior (a computed column).
I know it's a kind of workaround but adding tons of options like this to our UI would make Vertabelo unusable.

Can not see model

Hans Rattink vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von anonymous vor 10 Jahren 3
A user from my organisation has created a model (after accepting my invitation on vertabello) but i can't see it. When i click on the user (Koen), i can see he created it but then i still can't open it. How can i see the model?
anonymous vor 10 Jahren
The model must be shared with you by its owner (the user who created the model). This way the owner has control over who is an editor or just a viewer of the model.

I've looked at your case and it looks like you've already figured it out yourself. If you have any other questions or ideas, feel free to contact us.
Not a bug

Reference tool erroneously creates a self-relationship

Buz Carter vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) vor 10 Jahren 2
I have two existing tables, I click the "Add New Reference" tool and click the first (parent) table -- immediately a self-referencing relationship is created on that table ("pig's ear" or "fish hook" relationship). Cannot create relationships between tables.

This bug just appeared. Had been working fine. Chrome, Mac, db is SQL Server. 

shared model not showing up

Ira Hofer vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) vor 10 Jahren 2
A model was shared with me and I got a notification but it is not showing up in my dashboard. How do I access it?