Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.

Under review

Same table name with different schema name is not allowed

Ali Tabrizi 8 years ago updated by David Henley 7 years ago 2

We are having trouble with creating these two tables in the same model :



Under review

Default charset and collate on model not taking effect in SQL file

Eric Norton 7 years ago updated by Mariusz Zakrzewski 7 years ago 1

When I set the Charset and Collate on the table properties under the Default Additional Properties, they do not get applied when generating the SQL file, but it does when it generates XML. If I set the tables directly, I see what I expect in the SQL file. This is a bug IMO.

Under review

PDF Documentation doesn't take into account Schema

David Henley 7 years ago updated by Mariusz Zakrzewski 7 years ago 1

In the table section of the PDF documentation, (1) The schema is not viewable. It should say eg. Table Product.Brand (2) The order is incorrect. At least make it alphabetical.



Export PNG diagram is not working.​ I'm on Safari.

Richard Roose 9 years ago updated by Marcus Deschamps 7 years ago 7

Export PNG diagram is not working. I'm on Safari.


Do you offer pricing for non-profits?

jgbaum 7 years ago 0

I'm a researcher at a non-profit research institute and was wondering if you offer any discounts?  Thanks.


Limits with Licences

sanjaya balasuriya 7 years ago updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 7 years ago 1

Your web site mentions limits for premium as; 20 data models and 100 tables per model. Are these limits are per month or for lifetime of the product use?


how to see my student's activities?

Miaomiao Zhou 7 years ago updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 7 years ago 1

Hi there, I am a lecturer. I have a group of 24 students and I would like to introduce SQL to them by using Vertabelo. However, I need to be able to check their progress. Is it possible to create a virtual classroom ? Or alternatively, any other manners?

Thanks in advance!



Vertabelo and sales force

Shradha Samantray 7 years ago updated by Adam Mościcki 7 years ago 1

Can I user vertabelo as a data modelling tool for salesforce ? is there is documentation of how to reverse enginner the salesforce data model ?

Adam Mościcki 7 years ago


Unfortunately, I don't how salesforce work. If salesforce uses database we support* you can use our reverse enginner tool to retrive the schema.


*Database engines we support:

  1. PostgreSQL 
  2. MySQL 
  3. Oracle 
  4. IBM DB2 
  6. MS SQL Serve

Hope this helps,

Adam Mościcki


Please add option to generate SQL for selected tables/relationships only

Laimonas Anusauskas 9 years ago updated by Carrie Dean 7 years ago 3
Generating SQL for entire model is fine when creating new database, but when making incremental updates it would be very helpful to be able to select tables/relationships and generate SQL only for that subset. Going through each table/relationship and generating SQL preview is cumbersome.

Allow to connect my existing account to my facebook for easy login.

Alefe Lucas Santos Torres 7 years ago updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 7 years ago 1

I created my account using email, as student account, but I'd like to login using facebook, google etc.