Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.

Є відповідь

Vilnius University Mathematical and Informatics faculty email address. Cannot get Academic plan. Possible to be fixed?

Tomas Juodokas 9 років тому оновлено Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) 9 років тому 1
Can you add this email to whitelist? Need vertabelo for learning and academic purposes.
University email:
Faculty website:

Check with newline generated to SQL without spaces

Grzegorz Kaczor 9 років тому оновлено Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) 9 років тому 3
I have a check:


written in 3 lines. In generated SQL the check looks like:


but it should be

Є відповідь

How to control order of views in generated SQL?

Grzegorz Kaczor 9 років тому оновлено anonymous 9 років тому 1
How can I control the order in which views are written to generated SQL file?

I have 2 views - A and B that uses A. So I need A to be defined before I can define B. But Vertabelo defines B first, and the SQL fails.

Could you please help?
anonymous 9 років тому
In the "View properties" (on the right-hand side after selecting a view) there's a section called "Dependencies." Just add A as a dependency to the view B.
Under review

PDF generation problems

Nuo Xu 9 років тому оновлено Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) 9 років тому 4
when i use print to generate pdf version i came across 2 problems. first one is , when i go back to the edit model, i lost my previous work which i believed it should be aotu saved. Second is , it always breaks my design into several pages which i wanted it to be in one page. Since it beaks my design into several pages, it breaks my tables and references into different pages and makes it hard to read
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Couldnt share my data model to my team.

Thullimalli Chandrika 9 років тому оновлено Jack Polkowski 9 років тому 3
I Couldnt Share my data model to all members in my team.I could share to a single person.:(

Copy pasting from generated PNG to Microsoft Outlook doesn't work

Lukas Eder 9 років тому 0
Here are the steps to reproduce this issue. I'm using Google Chrome:

1. Create a model
2. Select the model
3. Click on the PNG button, the PNG appears

Image 206

4. Right-click on the image
5. Choose copy image from the context menu
6. Paste into an open Microsoft Outlook E-Mail, this doesn't seem to work.

As a workaround, pasting into Microsoft Paint works, and then from Paint to Outlook works as well. Perhaps there's a bug in Google Chrome related to "data:" URLs? I suspect that if you could generate an ordinary PNG file, this copy paste mechanism would work again...
Є відповідь

Do viewers of a model need to have a paid account? (I don't want to share the model publicly.)

Elif T. Kuş 9 років тому оновлений 9 років тому 3
Do viewers of a model need to have a paid account? (I don't want to share the model publicly.)

I have created this model, but when I make login I lose it. What should I do?

Nicassio 9 років тому оновлено Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 9 років тому 3
I have created this model, but when I make login I lose it. What should I do?

Є відповідь

I thought I upgraded my account so I can have another user update my database schema. Please advise

Marco Naylon 9 років тому оновлено Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 9 років тому 2
Є відповідь

How can I manually create a foreign key?

ELKE BIELECKI 9 років тому оновлений 9 років тому 4
anonymous 9 років тому
OK, now I understand what's the problem. You can do this in Vertabelo.

Let's say you start from this point:

First, just create a reference from B to A:

Here, we get an autogenerated "B_contact_code" column. Just delete it:

An error is raised because there's no FK column defined in the reference. We just need to fix it. Select a reference and here's what we see:

Just click "X" on the right-hand side to delete this invalid pair of columns:

and then add a valid ones:

Done, we've got what we wanted:

We can also eliminate the need to delete this autogenerated column. It is possible to disable the generation of FK columns. You can do this on "My account" page:

Hope this helps!