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Hello Janani,

Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. There is “Comparing & Merging models” functionality on our road map that will be suitable in this case, but I cannot provide a precise date when it will be available.

Best regards,


There is no strict limit in our reverse engineering. It is rather related to UI performance in your web browser. It depends on processing power of your computer and the type of web browser. Google Chrome is much better than others. Usually we can handle up to 500 tables in the single model.

Best regards,



There is no such functionality at the moment. We will consider adding it in the future. So I remain this request opened for up votes.

Thank you for reporting this,


This is already processed as a private ticked, so I close this.


This statement is not supported at the moment by design, it is not related to a specific PostgreSQL version.

Adding user defined data types as well as creating domains are on our roadmap. However with no specified time frame. It is a chance that it will be available on the platform by the end of year.

As a workaround you may add to your model custom SQL script that contains CREATE TYPE statements. To do this please use Additional SQL script properties of the model.

Best regards,


Hello Shabarish,

json and jsonb datatypes are both supported by Vertabelo modeler. The problem in the example you have provided is Varchar() datatype. It is not allowed to use varchar without length. It should Varchar(length).

I hope this will help.


To set a relationship weak please use Mandatory option in Reference properties panel. If you would to see it as a dotted line please switch your model notation to Baker's notation. This option is available in Model properties panel in section Format -> Diagram elements.

See also attached screenshots.

Best regards, 


Unfortunately there is no such functionality in Vertabelo modeler.

Unfortunately we don’t provide such certificates.