Ваші коментарі
What we discovered:
When you have two tabs opened: one with Documents second with the designer, changing the name with the first option (I) won't work. We decided to disable option II which was causing the whole mess until better fix. Now everything should work OK.
Can you confirm it works OK now?
Best regards,
I need some details.
1. What browser did you use?
2. How many tabs were opened (related to Vertabelo)?
3. There are 3 ways to change the model name. Which one you used?
I. The documents screen.

II. The model properties section.

III. The legacy model details page.

Best regards,
Adam Mościcki
We support MySQL. MariaDb Database is a fork of MySQL.
We don't support MariaDb per se, so I can't assure you that data model created for MySQL will work for MariaDb.
Best regards,
Adam Mościcki
I cannot reproduce the problem. What browsers did you try? Is the problem reproducible for all your models?
From what I understand:
- You have changed the name of the model
- Chaning the model name changed names of tables.
Best regards,
You are right. We are working on it.
Best regards,
Full support.
Best regards,
Adam Mościcki
Служба підтримки клієнтів працює на UserEcho
We have fixed Copy & Paste behavior and disabled renaming option in the designer.
Can you confirm that the problem still persists?
Best regards,