Ваши комментарии

Unfortunately, we no longer offer a free plan.
Therefore, if a user changes a legacy free account plan to one of currently offered plans, there's no way back. He can't downgrade to a free plan.
I see that your trial period has ended so I prolonged it till October 10 so you could download your models as SQL code.
Note that after logging in, you will be asked to complete the registration form for the academic account.
I have just switched your trial plan to the Academic Account. Best regards and enjoy Vertabelo!
I have converted your account to the academic one. After logging in you will be asked to complete the registration form.
Best regards and enjoy Vertabelo!
Hi Kent,
I hope you noticed that holding Ctrl button pressed you can add individual objects (tables and references) to your selection.
Hi! Your account has been switched to the academic one. After logging in, you'll be requested to complete the registration form.
Best regards and enjoy Vertabelo!
Inactive "share" button means that you are not the owner of the model and you can't invite new persons to share it.
If you'd like to check your role in the model, go to the "Model details" panel. For that particular model, your role is set as an editor.

I noticed that in your case the model had been shared with you by the owner who then closed his/her account. So at the moment the model doesn't have its owner.

If you would like to share it with other persons, first you must clone it. Once again, go to the "Model details" panel, then click the button "Clone model" on the right. Since you are the owner of the cloned model, you can share it with other persons.

I hope I helped you.

Best regards and enjoy Vertabelo!

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