Uw opmerkingen

Indeed, if you had registered for a Basic, Premium or Team account, there's no option to switch to the Academic account in your "Manage account plan" panel. But we can manually convert your account to the academic one (what I just did).
After logging in, you will be asked to complete the registration form appropriate for the academic account.
Best regards and enjoy Vertabelo!
  1. Add column in your table.

  2. Mark column as primary key.

  3. Expand column properties by clicking on the down arrow next to the column name.

  4. Set "Auto_increment" property to "Yes".

As for references, some time ago one of our users has requested a new feature that looks quite similar to your idea.
He would like to have the option to hide all references in the model, leaving all the tables visible. If you'd like to hide selected references only, you can post your comment here:
You can also upvote this idea. The more votes the idea gets, the more likely it will be implemented.
If you mean a reference between the columns in two separate tables, here it is a short tutorial:
Yes. As long as you use Vertabelo for educational purposes, you can use Academic account.
Since your email domain include "edu", your Academic account will be created automatically, without any additional formalities.
I have just switched your personal account with a trial plan to a free academic account.
Enjoy Vertabelo!
In Vertabelo, we have implemented the crow's foot ERD notification, and unfortunately this kind of notification doesn't use diamond shapes.
But you can use notes to add some comments to your diagram.
You can place a note above a reference line or next to the table, and type anything you want within this note. For example, this way you can describe interactions between two elements of your diagram.

Ok, I already know what's wrong. You have registered for a trial account plan, while the option of switching plan to academic one is available only for users of a free account plan.
But don't worry, we switched your account manually. Now, you should have the academic account plan.