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Vote for new features 60

Under review

Add reference name as label in diagram

thomasf 7 ár síðan updated by Adam Mościcki 7 ár síðan 1
Under review

fields/column color and formatting

Sergio Sardo 7 ár síðan updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 3 ár síðan 2
Under review

Add option to hide all types and only display field names

Matt Kuntz 9 ár síðan updated by Chris Waters 3 ár síðan 2
Under review

Option to change fonts used in diagrams

mark leavesley 9 ár síðan Uppfært 9 ár síðan 4
Under review

Generate specific Schema

Raymond Roelands 10 ár síðan updated by Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) 10 ár síðan 1
Under review


mark leavesley 9 ár síðan updated by Chad P. Prince 6 ár síðan 2
Under review

drag field from table to view

Simon Weinstein 10 ár síðan updated by anonymous 7 ár síðan 3
Under review

Markdown support in notes

Ryan Mueller 10 ár síðan updated by Nitin Garg 5 ár síðan 2
Under review

Add ability to change color of table outline and it's foreign key references in other table

Daniel Arlitt 10 ár síðan updated by Asim Haque 6 ár síðan 4


email address blocked for registration

Djair 2 mánuður síðan 0

How to add Enum Types

Philipp Albrecht 3 mánuður síðan 0

"free viewer" sharing is not clear - is it applicable also for 5 -seated user team?

Petr Kominek P3 3 mánuður síðan updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 3 mánuður síðan 1
Not a bug

how to import xml file to logical data model?

Connor Hughes 3 mánuður síðan updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 3 mánuður síðan 1

cabt connect to aws aurora db for reverse engineering

BBCS-Admin BBCS 3 mánuður síðan Uppfært 3 mánuður síðan 0

unable to access to vertabello like student

Daira 4 mánuður síðan 0

zoom not working ok with Scroll

Leandro Toledo 5 mánuður síðan 0

Unable to register as a student

265956 6 mánuður síðan updated by Bradley Burks 5 mánuður síðan 1

Free text document

Brian Beijaard 5 mánuður síðan 0

Revert expired trial account to free trial

Jason Horner 9 ár síðan updated by albertogutierrezrr 5 mánuður síðan 2

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