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Vote for new features 60

Under review

Generate Test Data

Ethan Turk 8 years ago updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 8 years ago 1
Under review

Adding rulers/guide lines to help with positioning elements

Eric Norcross 9 years ago updated by Jack Polkowski 9 years ago 3
Under review

Allow for sharing a link directly, instead of going via E-Mail

Lukas Eder 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 9
Under review

show alternate keys on diagram

Clare DeYonker 8 years ago updated by Jack Polkowski 8 years ago 1

Add 75% Zoom

Terris Linenbach 7 months ago updated 6 months ago 2
Under review

How to always DROP IF EXISTS when Generating Drop SQL for Postgres?

s rapport 1 year ago updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 1 year ago 1
Under review

Add support for AWS Redshift super data type

Paul Tipper 2 years ago updated by Adam Mościcki 2 years ago 1
Under review

API - Retrieve Drop SQL Script

Rishab Nayak 3 years ago updated by Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 3 years ago 1

Better model migration for renaming

anonymous 3 years ago updated by anonymous 3 years ago 1
Under review

mysql spatial fields not supported like multipolygon, point

Shubham Singla 3 years ago updated by anonymous 3 years ago 1


Cannot get on academic plan with my account

Bashar Kadhim 3 years ago updated by Armend Osmani 5 months ago 2

ERROR:Parse SQL timeout

Guy 5 months ago updated by Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 5 months ago 2

Updating the Model With Comments from Excel

Guy 5 months ago 0

BigQuery physical model does not allow me to set the primary key for a table

Jason Salemme 6 months ago updated 6 months ago 1


THUYA AUNG 6 months ago updated 6 months ago 1

Disabling "scroll to zoom" doesn't stick and it should be off by default

Terris Linenbach 7 months ago updated 6 months ago 2

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