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MySQL: decimal/double/float precision boundaries

Jadaw1n vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von rahul kumar vor 6 Jahren 4
Display an error if a field has a larger decimal place value than the whole number part.

something decimal(2,3) NOT NULL
MySQL said:
#1427 - For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column 'something'). 

Editing shared database when trial period has expired?

Denis Zherdev vor 6 Jahren 0

Good day. Could you help?

Can i edit shared (from other person) database if my trial period has expired?


Login Error

sinead vor 6 Jahren aktualisiert von Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) vor 6 Jahren 1

I purchased a course a while ago and I'm trying to log into my account to take it. However, every time I try "forgot my password" I get an error saying there's no account under my email. I have my invoice in my email inbox so I know I purchased it under the right email. Please let me know how to access my course. 

Not a bug

Allow column names with spaces with them by adding [] brackets to them in the SQL.

Shreya Kaushik vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von anonymous vor 6 Jahren 1

I am using Microsoft SQL server as the database. The column names in the tables in my data model will have spaces. Currently the product continues to show me a warning against the column names saying that the name seems to be invalid. I even tried adding the square brackets my self in the column name itself but the warning still shows up.


how to export sql export as *.mdf file

Ard Shir vor 6 Jahren aktualisiert von Adam Mościcki vor 6 Jahren 1
Adam Mościcki vor 6 Jahren

MDF is an SQL Server extension only. There is no way to export the model to MDF file in our tool.

Wird überprüft

create schema via API

KenL vor 6 Jahren aktualisiert vor 6 Jahren 2

I think it would be great if you were able to create schemas via the API.  Think of it like photo reverse engineering, but, perhaps, a little more technical, able to capture more details like data types, and maybe even behaviors.

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Shortcut Ctrl+V does not work when trying to copy tables between documents

Mateusz Kamiński vor 6 Jahren aktualisiert von Mariusz Zakrzewski vor 6 Jahren 1

There was a possibility to copy tables between two schemas (documents) with shortcuts but now it's gone. I need to use Copy - Paste buttons on the panel that is a much slower way to copy content.


Is there any option to show my Database schema in website? like embedded?

Siddhu Php vor 6 Jahren aktualisiert vor 6 Jahren 3
Not a bug

Confirmation link doesn't work

Steve Klett vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Molly VanderVelde vor 6 Jahren 3
I signed up, received the email but when I click link (or copy and paste) I receive a message:

Your confirmation link is not valid.
