Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.


HOW to import images?

Jon Alex 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 9 jaar geleden 2
Hello is it possible to import images?

Please advise.

Where are the ORM tools?

Alexey Pikulik 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door anonymous 9 jaar geleden 4
You've mentioned ORM Tools in Show features list at
I drastically interested in PHP>Propel feature but can't find it in my free account interface.

Under review

Generate specific Schema

Raymond Roelands 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) 9 jaar geleden 1
When generating SQL it would be nice to be able to select a specific schema only. So only table in that schema will be generated including references from tables in that schema to another schemas

Error al crear cuenta

Jose Guevara Ylatoma 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń (Chief Scientist) 9 jaar geleden 1
Cuando estoy creando mi cuenta me sale el siguiente mensaje, cuando boy ingresa, sale que no existe la cuenta.

We already have account with this email. If you created account before and you don't remember
your password please use password reminder.

How do I change the e-mail address for my account?

Charles Hammer 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 9 jaar geleden 2
I want to change my login email address to a different e-mail. How do I do this?

what programs can be used to open my database once created?

Patricia Vernon 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 9 jaar geleden 1

Sharing in Team Account

Raymond Roelands 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 9 jaar geleden 8
It would be nice when using a team account I can share a model with team members by selecting them instead of entering the email addresses.

And for big development and admin teams sharing with groups instead of individual members would be nice to
anonymous 9 jaar geleden
It's done and on production. Here's where you can find this feature:


Do not auto-create foreign key reference.

Kindler Chase 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 9 jaar geleden 6
When adding a reference, a FK is automatically generated. Can you provide an option to disable this behavior?

For example, I will typically create the tables with the keys defined per my own naming convention and then create the references. The current behavior is a new field is automatically added as a FK and has to be manually deleted. My colleagues who are using Vertabelo would like to see the current behavior either removed or an option on the model itself to disable the behavior.

Notify when "Search (Ctrl+F)" return nothing

DangNT 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 9 jaar geleden 5
When I type some text to search, if my db model does not contain the text, then Vertabelo should display a message or similar thing to tell me that there is no result

Default "true" when setting auto_increment

DangNT 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Jarosław Błąd (CEO) 9 jaar geleden 4
Currently, when I wanted to set the auto_increment for a field, the "false" option is selected by default --> I had to make one more click to change the option to "true".

So I think the "true" option should be selected by default so that users do not have to spend one more click for the auto_increment