Ihre Kommentare

I have just switched your account to academic. After logging in, you will be asked to complete the academic registration form.

Best regards and enjoy Vertabelo!

No problem. Just let me know what your academic email address is.

Hi Matthew!

Could you precise your request? Do you want us to switch your basic trial account to academic, or to move your models from your basic trial account to your academic account?


Indeed, this is a great idea, especially for members of a team account.

This new feature was discussed by our development team few weeks ago and we put it on our road map. So I'm changing the status of this request for "Planned".

Thank you very much for your post. It just confirmed that this new feature would be very useful for our users.

I granted you some bonus points for requesting a new feature.

Best regards and enjoy Vertabelo!

I forgot to tell you that after logging in you will be asked to complete the academic registration form.

Hi! I've checked your Vertabelo trial account and I saw that you have already changed your email address. Therefore, I switched your account to academic.

Please, recommend our free tool to your student colleagues and your database teacher.

Best regards and enjoy Vertabelo!


Have you already changed your email address for academic? If so, please let me know what your new email is. If not, please go to "My account", change your email address, and then send me a note.

Best regards!

For other users who also need to run the tutorial:

1. Go to the diagram (open any of your models or create a new one).
2. In the top menu bar, click Help.
3. From the drop-down menu, choose Take application tour.

You can also watch our video tutorials:

How to manage large database diagrams in Vertabelo

How to create a reference in Vertabelo

Marco, we have granted you some bonus points for reporting the bug. Collect more points and you can redeem them for a discount when you graduate and need to switch from academic account to a basic or premium plan. More on our bonus points program: http://www.vertabelo.com/bonus-points
Best regards and enjoy Vertabelo!