Ihre Kommentare

We don't have "non-commercial plan" (we no longer offer such accounts). At the moment, we have Academic plan only. It can be used for educational purposes only by lecturers and students (we don't call this "non-commercial" since this plan can be used by non-public universities and colleges).

Here is a step-by-step instruction how to convert a free or paid plan into academic one:

1. Click "My account" in the top menu bar:

2. Click the "Manage personal account plan" button:

3. In "Manage personal account plan" panel, go to the bottom of the page. There's a section "Academic account plan". Click the "Request Academic plan" button on the right:

4. When being in the "Request Academic account plan" section, select an appropriate option ("lecturer" or "student") and the rest of the registration form will appear. You must complete all fields, and then click the button "Confirm". After that your account plan will be changed to academic automatically since your email domain was added to our academic domains "white" list.

Note that this account can be used only by student or lecturers learning/teaching databases, SQL or related topics. It mustn't be used by non-commercial or non-governmental organizations.

If you have any problems, do not hesitate to contact me via Support.
Carina, your student domain is now whitelisted. Try to change plan to academic and let me know if you succeeded.
Mark, we don't say "no" to this feature. My suggestion is to change the category for your post from "Questions" to "Ideas" and treat it as a new feature request. You must know that we firstly develop these new features which are voted the most by our users. We've been getting a lot of requests on Support and via emails, and sometimes we have to set priorities by verifying how often a particular request is raised. Therefore, I'm changing your entry to "Ideas" and let the voting begin.
PS. You've got my vote.
Your email wasn't recognized as an academic address because it didn't contain "edu", and - on the other hand - the domain "tafensw.net.au" isn't on our white list. I've checked your university's website and I confirmed that students have their addresses in the "tafensw.net.au" domain. Therefore, tomorrow our developers will add this domain to our white list and you'll be able to switch to academic plan automatically after completing a registration form in "Manage personal account plan" panel.
Eric, since your post refers to the new feature, I'm changing its title from being the question to the statement. From now on, this is the new feature request, and you are awarded 10 bonus points for submitting it. You can check your bonus points balance in "My Account" panel (more info on Bonus Points Program). Thank you very much for your engagement in Vertabelo!
For now, we have only a grid. There's no rulers or guide lines.

At the moment, the grid in Vertabelo shows page break preview only, according to the page size set in the properties. If you select "Show grid on diagram" checkbox, the lines will appear indicating how the working area will be divided into printout pages. This option is available in "Format" panel (on the right side) when no element is selected on the diagram.
It looks like this:

The grey lines are the "grid" in its current form.

We are aware that it isn't the grid you expected it to be. So we add this issue to our road map. According to that, the future grid will probably look as follows:

The solid grey lines are the grid, grey dashed lines mark subdivisions, and the red lines are the page break preview.

It is very likely that we'll also add "Snap to grid" option for better and more precise positioning.
You were rewarded 5 bonus points for reporting this problem. Thanks a lot for your engagement in Vertabelo!

Learn more about our Bonus Points Program
You were rewarded 10 bonus points for submitting a new feature request. Thanks a lot for your engagement in Vertabelo!

Learn more about our Bonus Points Program
Thanks, Matt, you for your proposal. It is now under consideration.
You can encourage your colleagues to vote for your idea. The more votes your idea gets, the more likely its implementation is.

By the way, you were awarded with 10 bonus points for submitting a new feature request.
Learn how to earn more bonus points: http://www.vertabelo.com/bonus-points