Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.

Є відповідь

Relationship links

Ken Gillett 10 років тому оновлено best dating apps 6 років тому 2
Is it possible to have relationship lines linking the actual fields used for the link, rather than just the tables as a whole?
anonymous 10 років тому
No, in Vertabelo a reference line links two tables. The primary and foreign table columns are set in the properties panel on the right hand-side.
Searching answer

I can't seem to register for a student account, can you please assist?

Chris Maitland 6 років тому оновлено Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 6 років тому 5

When I click the 'sign up now' for student accounts, it takes me back to the sites main page


Select specific components on migration

Thomas Heuer Jr 6 років тому 0

When creating a SQL migration script, it would be useful to be able to select specific components to generate, the same way one can when generating SQL scripts to create the database.  (For example, I might generate a DB without views, and want to migrate the database to a newer version, also without views.)

Image 547


UML reference cardinality font is ugly when converting to pdf or png

Ivan Aksamentov 7 років тому оновлений 7 років тому 0


When exporting a UML-style schema into PDF or PNG the font for cardinality designations seems to be broken: it is too bold, barely readable and constrasts with the font of tables. 

Would it be possible to make fonts in exported files look exactly as they do in the application itself? For now the workaround is to take a screenshot of the browser window, but it works only for schemas which fit to the screen.

P.S. I am using Chrome 62 on Ubuntu 16.04 x64.

When Editing:

Image 546

When exporting into PNG or PDF:

Image 545

Thank you!

Є відповідь

The main page is down?

Chris Robinson 7 років тому оновлено Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 7 років тому 1 says that is down.

Under review

Add reference name as label in diagram

thomasf 7 років тому оновлено Adam Mościcki 7 років тому 1

Many modeling tools do not show the names of the foreign key constraints in the diagram. I think this is useful in many cases. Can it be done?


Ability to identify identifying and non-identifying relationships from DDL

Saif Terai 7 років тому оновлено Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 7 років тому 1

When reverse engineering from a DDL, a feature to automatically represent an identifying relationship by a solid line and a non-identifying relationship by a broken (dashed) line would be useful. Currently Vertabelo does not do this.

Є відповідь

Error when executing gradle

Kent Lubo 7 років тому оновлено Adam Mościcki 7 років тому 1

Image 532

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:orm-generate'.
> A problem occurred starting process 'command 'unzip''

Adam Mościcki 7 років тому


Please install unzip command. 

For debian like OS:

sudo apt-get install unzip

Best regards,

Adam Mościcki


Duplicate fields/columns

Sergio Sardo 7 років тому оновлено Adam Mościcki 7 років тому 1

I'd like to be able to duplicate a single column in a table, or even copy it (with all its attributes) and then paste in another table. I have complex-defined columns (name, datatype,Description, other attributes) and I need to duplicate these attribute sets many times, in the same table (obviously changing the field name) or in different tables...

Very nice to have...

Adam Mościcki 7 років тому


You can copy columns. Please do the following steps:

1. Select a table with columns to copy.

2. With Ctrl (Command on mac) button pushed select columns to copy (click on the field with dots)

3. Ctrl + c

4. Select a table to paste

5. Ctrl + v

Copy columns works within one table as well.



Bullet/letter for fields used in "any" index

Sergio Sardo 7 років тому 0

It could be useful to show, in tables, the fields which have been inserted in any index (beyond the PK). A bullet, or simply a specific letter, could points out the item/fields involved in one or more indexes.

This info helps the db designer in maintenance and overall checks of tables, or even entire database