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+1! Working with large database needs to adopt and follow some standards, includedcolumn names, size, types, ... This would-be feature can really leverage the -already rather good- Vertabelo quality and usability

I'm having the same problem!

Chrome 60.0.3112

Hi. This morning it worked fine, and I've just received the first invoice :-)
Anyway it gave me troubles for two days (many tries), since I was in trial phase, and I was not sure to be able to pay in time...
Anyway, here I am now....Thanks


I'm having the same problem, with an Italian VAT id, either with "IT" initial code, either without it. I've tried twice today... :-(
When I insert my VAT ID I get a "Please enter valid VAT number" message below the "VAT number" field

This feature could be very useful in any real database development. It could be even better if the fields based on a "custom type" are colored in any way, to be easily filtered and noted