Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let's make Vertabelo even better.


The main page is down?

Chris Robinson 7 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 7 aastat tagasi 1 says that is down.


Add reference name as label in diagram

thomasf 7 aastat tagasi uuendaja Adam Mościcki 7 aastat tagasi 1

Many modeling tools do not show the names of the foreign key constraints in the diagram. I think this is useful in many cases. Can it be done?

Tagasi lükatud

Ability to identify identifying and non-identifying relationships from DDL

Saif Terai 7 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 7 aastat tagasi 1

When reverse engineering from a DDL, a feature to automatically represent an identifying relationship by a solid line and a non-identifying relationship by a broken (dashed) line would be useful. Currently Vertabelo does not do this.


Error when executing gradle

Kent Lubo 7 aastat tagasi uuendaja Adam Mościcki 7 aastat tagasi 1

Image 532

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:orm-generate'.
> A problem occurred starting process 'command 'unzip''

Adam Mościcki 7 aastat tagasi


Please install unzip command. 

For debian like OS:

sudo apt-get install unzip

Best regards,

Adam Mościcki


Duplicate fields/columns

Sergio Sardo 7 aastat tagasi uuendaja Adam Mościcki 7 aastat tagasi 1

I'd like to be able to duplicate a single column in a table, or even copy it (with all its attributes) and then paste in another table. I have complex-defined columns (name, datatype,Description, other attributes) and I need to duplicate these attribute sets many times, in the same table (obviously changing the field name) or in different tables...

Very nice to have...

Adam Mościcki 7 aastat tagasi


You can copy columns. Please do the following steps:

1. Select a table with columns to copy.

2. With Ctrl (Command on mac) button pushed select columns to copy (click on the field with dots)

3. Ctrl + c

4. Select a table to paste

5. Ctrl + v

Copy columns works within one table as well.



Bullet/letter for fields used in "any" index

Sergio Sardo 7 aastat tagasi 0

It could be useful to show, in tables, the fields which have been inserted in any index (beyond the PK). A bullet, or simply a specific letter, could points out the item/fields involved in one or more indexes.

This info helps the db designer in maintenance and overall checks of tables, or even entire database


Does Vertabelo still (eval'd early 2016) not infer joins based off the same column name?

Eric S 7 aastat tagasi uuendaja anonymous 7 aastat tagasi 1

Does Vertabelo still (eval'd early 2016) not infer joins based off the same column name? In data warhousing environments indexes are usually not defined in the DB and handled in the ETL app layer for performance reasons. This is the key feature I need from a modeling tool so you can simple reverse-engineer without manually defining every join relationship.


Massive edit with search/replace strings

Sergio Sardo 7 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rafał Strzaliński (Senior Engineer) 7 aastat tagasi 1

If I need to change a substring in many objects at once (ie change all "xxx" occurrences in "yy_z") it seems now I can do so only looking field by field in all my tables. I'd like to have a "search/Replace" feature which allows me to change strings or substrings in all my object names (tables, fields, indexes, ...) ....

Could  I hope so in the future?


how do i add relationship between tables

Laurinda McKinlay 7 aastat tagasi uuendaja Adam Mościcki 7 aastat tagasi 1
Adam Mościcki 7 aastat tagasi


Best regards,

Adam Mościcki


A "fields set" for repetitive insertions

Sergio Sardo 7 aastat tagasi 0

I often need to insert the same set of fields in my tables. While I have only a single "fields set" to replicate, then I use a table template where I start from, but when I need to insert two different "fields sets" in the same table (not always the same) I have some problem. 
I'd like to be able to define objects like like "copybooks" or "includes" (containing fields definitions) to be picked up and then inserted in my tables. These "objects" could stay in a sot of "custom library"

Nice to have...